Jun Yamamoto
Department of Network and Data Science, Central European University.

I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Network and Data Science at Central European University in Vienna, Austria, interested in statistical physics and complex networks.
I am currently working on spectral and topological properties of physical networks, i.e., networks that are embedded in three-dimensional space under physical constraints (e.g., volume exclusion). I am supervised by Prof. Márton Pósfai and Prof. János Kertész.
I earned Bachelor of Engineering in Applied Physics at Hokkaido University, with thesis titled the bifractal property of fractal scale-free networks (supervised by Prof. Kousuke Yakubo). Consequently, I completed Master of Science in Mathematics at Queen Mary University of London, with dissertation work on higher-order network dynamics in the presence of triadic interactions under the supervision of Prof. Ginestra Bianconi.